.You have heard about Baptists all your life but never realized there are dozens of different Baptist groups. The Free Will Baptist denomination is a fellowship of evangelical churches that adhere to the Holy Bible as the foundation of our faith and practice. Our denomination has contributed to the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation for almost 300 years. We are fundamental in doctrine, believing in the historic Christian Faith with all other genuine Christians, obviously Baptist in doctrine, teaching that immersion is the correct method of baptism.. We are “Free Will” in doctrine, believing that Jesus Christ died for ALL people and that He is not willing that any should perish without accepting the free, saving faith that He alone offers. Those who put their faith in Christ’s work are saved..

We believe in the Trinity, that God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit are One. We believe that after Adam and Eve sinned in The Garden of Eden that God the Father promised that a Savior (The Messiah) would come to save the people from their sins. We believe that He fulfilled that promise with the supernatural birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Himself promised that He would never leave us without comfort so He sent the Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of each person who would place their faith and trust in the finished work of our Savior, Jesus Christ..

We believe that Heaven is real, that Hell is hot and that both are eternal. We hold to the Biblical teaching that only those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior, seek forgiveness from their sins and forsake those sins will be allowed into Heaven, and escape the eternal punishment of Hell.
We also believe in the Biblical teaching that Jesus will come back to this world again. We believe in the literal rapture of the Church (all those of every tongue, tribe and nation who have accepted Christ as Savior). We are convinced that when Jesus said He was The Way, The Truth and The Life that He was, and He IS!.